The article about "Solidarity 2024 - Summer Camp” was published on the newspaper of Georgia

16 August, 2024

The article about "Solidarity 2024 - Summer Camp” was published on the newspaper of Georgia

An article titled "Solidarity 2024 - Summer Camp is over" by Rena Huseynova, executive director of "Alyans" Youth Center, has been published on the prestigious "Sakartvelos Republic" newspaper of Georgia.

In the article, it has been mentioned that more than 70 young people and heads of NGOs from different cities of Georgia participated in the camp organized by the "Alyans" Youth Center operating in Tbilisi with the support of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, and seminars on various topics have been held.

It has been noted that the camp plays an exceptional role in the establishment of communication between teenagers and youth studying in Azerbaijan Houses, their development and communication with each other.

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