Azerbaijani language school was opened in Berlin

24 June, 2024

Azerbaijani language school was opened in Berlin

The opening ceremony of the Azerbaijani Language Weekend School "Khari Bulbul," jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the State Committee for Work with Diaspora, and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany, was held at the Azerbaijani Cultural Center in Berlin.

The event was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora Elshad Aliyev, Deputy Minister of Culture Farid Jafarov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany Nasimi Aghayev, Rector of Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov, Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Gulchohra Mammadova, Rector of Sumgait State University Rufat Azizov, Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Vilayat Valiyev, Head of the Apparatus of the Ministry of Defense Industry Samir Aghabalayev, Executive Director of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO Yusif Abdullayev, employee of the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Khalilov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board the State Advertising Agency Elmar Abasov, advisor to the Chairman of the Agency for Innovation and Digital Development under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport Shahin Aliyev, as well as representatives of other institutions, local and foreign guests.

Deputy chairman of the State Committee Elshad Aliyev congratulated teachers and students and gave detailed information about the activity of the Committee, the projects implemented by it, Azerbaijani houses abroad, Coordination Councils. He noted the establishment of Azerbaijani language schools for young children living abroad on the initiative of first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva as a great importance in protecting the ties of young generation with the historical homeland and learning the native language.

Deputy Minister of Culture Farid Jafarov talked about the purpose of the cultural centers of Azerbaijan operating abroad and added that this school would contribute to carry out propaganda, agitation and training programs related to the Azerbaijani language, history, literature, music and other cultural fields.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany Nasimi Aghayev said that the Azerbaijani diaspora in Germany has distinguished by special activity and has been doing important work. Stressing the need to continue and strengthen these activities in a joint, close and coordinated manner, the ambassador considered the opening of the Azerbaijani language school in Berlin a commendable event.

The speakers expressed their gratitude for the opening of the school to the organizers, teachers, students and their parents for the interest shown in our native language and emphasized the importance of increasing the number of native language schools abroad year by year.

After the opening ceremony the guests also attended the opening of a new drum courses organized at the Azerbaijan Cultural Center.

At the end, the pupils of the school were presented gifts on behalf of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora and the Ministry of Culture.

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