The deputy chairman of the State Committee met with the Hungarian state official

3 February, 2024

The deputy chairman of the State Committee met with the Hungarian state official


Vagif Seyidbeyov, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, met with Arpad Janos Potapi, State Secretary in charge of policies for Hungarian communities abroad. Tahir Taghizadeh, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary, also attended the meeting.

The meeting focused on the bilateral relations between our countries.

Deputy Chairman Vagif Seyidbeyov have information about the diaspora policy of our state, the activity directions of the Committee, the projects that can be implemented together with the State Secretariat of Hungary in the nearest future.

Following that, views on the prospects of cooperation were exchanged between the state institutions of Hungary and Azerbaijan.

A memorial gift was presented to the State Secretary on behalf of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora.

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