A diaspora member called on Pope Francis to comment on the vandalism acts committed by Armenians in the Azerbaijani lands
18 October, 2023
Asaf Asgar, a diaspora member living in Germany, appealed to Pope Francis.
In response to Pope Francis' call to protect and respect the monasteries and religious places of worship in Karabakh, sounded during his speech in St. Peter's Square of the Vatican, a diaspora member has replied that there is no need for concern anymore.
Because the Karabakh region, ancestral lands of Azerbaijan, has been completely cleared of Armenian military units.
Azerbaijan is committed to the centuries-old traditions of tolerance and multicultural values and preserves all religions, including religious heritage of Christianity, as one of the main priorities of the state policy.
The letter stresses that during the years of occupation, historical, cultural and religious monuments belonging to Azerbaijani people were destroyed, insulted and looted by Armenians in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. These terrible vandalism acts were not committed by the Armenians only against Islamic monuments, but also against Albanian and Orthodox churches in Karabakh. It was emphasized that Armenian terrorists were appointed to the posts of religious leaders of the churches of Karabakh.
It was recalled that Heydar Aliyev Foundation rendered material assistance to the repair of religious monuments in Paris, Strasbourg, Rome, Vatican, Berlin, London and Warsaw and local officials expressed their gratitude to Mehriban Aliyeva, First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. “Your Holiness Pope Francis, Azerbaijan repairs churches and parks in Europe, it means that our country keeps religious temples in its territory under control and pays particular attention to their maintenance”.
Diaspora member called Pope Francis to comment on the terrible acts of vandalism committed by Armenians in the territory of Azerbaijan, during 30 years of occupation: “How do you estimate illicit appropriation of the churches belonging to Caucasian Albania located in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan? How do you estimate destruction of 65 mosques (out of 67) in Karabakh and keeping pigs and cattle inside them? We would like you to comment these crimes committed by Armenians in Karabakh. Destruction of mosques in Karabakh region, is an insult towards the Islamic religion and the entire Muslim world, while illicit appropriation of Albanian churches is an insult towards the Christianity and the Udin people residing in Azerbaijan”.
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