Rector of Bahcheshehir Cyprus University visited the State Committee

5 July, 2024

Rector of Bahcheshehir Cyprus University visited the State Committee

Rector of Bahcheshehir Cyprus University Mehmet Toyjan and his entourage visited the State Committee on Work with Diaspora.

Deputy head of the office Adil Huseynov informed the guest about the activity and projects implemented by the Committee. Noting that the committee is working not only with Azerbaijanis living abroad, but also with countries having a friendly attitude towards Azerbaijan, Adil Huseynov has added that the activity of the Azerbaijani diaspora in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus plays an important role in the further expansion of relations between the two countries.

Expressing his gratitude for the warm welcome, Prof.Dr. Mehmet Toyjan has expressed his pleasure with the development of Azerbaijan-Northern Cyprus relations along an increasing line, adding that the doors of the Bahcheshehir Cyprus University are always open to Azerbaijani students, especially the children of the families of martyrs and veterans. At the same time, he expressed his hope for the support of the Committee for enriching the university library with books about Azerbaijan and stressed that he would visit the Azerbaijani House in Kyrenia in the near future.

Nadir Adilov, Chairman of the Board of the Mediation Council, also attended the meeting.

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