A well-known Azerbaijani filmmaker, living in the USA: “The opening of Azerbaijani House is very important here”
30 August, 2024Shamil Najafzadeh, Azerbaijani film and television director, film artist, screenwriter and actor, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, who currently living in the United States of America, participated in the opening ceremony of Azerbaijani House in Virginia.
The famous filmmaker shared his impressions to Diaspor TV, the internet television of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora. He highlighted that the opening of Azerbaijani House was very important here.
Shamil Najafzadeh said in an interview that he continues his art and participates in festivals in the United States, as well as he noted that he has close ties with his motherland and he often comes to Azerbaijan.
The interview with Shamil Najafzadeh can be watched at the following link:
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