"Bloody Carnations" was screened in New York

23 January, 2024

"Bloody Carnations" was screened in New York


Representatives of the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN, members of the diaspora organizations, Turkish community, well as our compatriots living in New York and surrounding cities and states attended the event organized by the American-Azerbaijani Youth and Sports Association.

First, the national anthems of Azerbaijan and the United States were played, and the dear memory of the martyrs of January 20 was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Elgun Khanoglanli, founder of the American-Azerbaijani Youth and Sports Association, delivered opening speech. He has mentioned that the events of January 20, is marked as a national tragedy and at the same time, as the peak of the national liberation movement carried out by our people for the sake of independence and freedom of the country. He added that this day had been engraved in the history of Azerbaijan.

Those, who spoke at the event, has pointed out that the bloody massacre was one of the most cruel tragedies in the history of Azerbaijan and despite the fact that 34 years have passed since the events, January 20 have not been given an international legal evaluation, and the perpetrators of this crime have not been punished yet. They added that the Azerbaijani youth would never forget the January 20 tragedy, regardless where they live in.

It was emphasized that our people demonstrated courage, valor, heroism, readiness to sacrifice their lives for every inch of our land once again in 2020, and thanks to the leadership of President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the power of our brave army, our country restored historical justice within 44 days.

Then the film "Bloody Carnations" directed by A. Sadigov was screened. The producer of the film, Sima Sadygova, emphasized that the original images filmed by her father are historical facts and presenting the film to the US society has a huge importance.At the end of the event, Shabnam Huseyn, the soloist of the Dresden Symphony Orchestra, a member of the Norwegian Musicians' Union, played sad musical pieces of the Azerbaijani composers on kamancha.




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