Kars hosted the “Return to West Azerbaijan” Forum

5 July, 2024

Kars hosted the “Return to West Azerbaijan” Forum

After a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs, National Anthems of Turkey and Azerbaijan were played at the event organized by the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, the Federation of Turkey-Azerbaijan Associations (TADEF), Kars Municipality and the Association of Caucasus Cultures Kars-Azerbaijan.

Then a documentary film about the activity of the Western Azerbaijan Community was demonstrated.

Opening the event, member of TADEF and chairman of the Association of Caucasus Cultures Kars-Azerbaijan Nabi Ariq welcomed the participants and spoke about the importance of the event.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora Valeh Hajiyev, Consul General of Azerbaijan in Kars Nuru Guliyev, Chairman of Kars Municipality, professor Otuken Senger and advisor to the chairman of TADEF Parviz Mammadzadeh made speeches on the restoration of the rights of Western Azerbaijanis, which were raised by President Ilham Aliyev after the post-conflict period and expressed confidence, that the process of returning them to their historical lands would help to resolve the issue.

After the official speeches, the event continued with a panel discussion.

At the panel session moderated by the Deputy Chairman of TADEF, Chairman of Ankara-Baku promotion and Solidarity Association Sattar Kaya, deputy of the sixth convocation of the Milli Majlis, doctor of political science, deputy chairman of the Western Azerbaijan Community's Board of Directors, professor Hikmet Babaoghlu, doctor of philosophy in history, prominent scholar at the Institute of History and Ethnology of ANAS, member of the Board of Directors of the Western Azerbaijan Community Nazim Mustafayev and professors of the Kars Caucasian University Hacali Najafoghlu and Mustafa Kop discussed the understanding and truths of Western Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijan's justified demands.

Within the framework of the visit, Valeh Hajiyev met with governor of Kars Ziya Polat and Mayor Otuken Senger.

Representatives of TADEF P.Mammadzadeh and S.Kaya also took part at the meetings.

The participants were presented commemorative gifts at the end of the meeting.

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