Miami-Dade district of the United States proclaims February 26 as Khojaly’s Remembrance Day

23 February, 2023

Miami-Dade district of the United States proclaims February 26 as Khojaly’s Remembrance Day

Miami-Dade district of the United States proclaimed February 26 as Khojaly's Remembrance Day.

Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and Miami-Dade County Commissioners Board Chairman Oliver G. Gilbert III signed the Proclamation.

The proclamation begins with the famous quote of Former United States Attorney Robert Francis Kennedy: “It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope”, then draws attention to the fact that in 1992, on February 25th and the 26th, the population of the Town of Khojaly in Azerbaijan was subjected to a massacre, resulting in the death of over 600 innocent civilians, including many children, women and elderly.

“The renowned international human rights organizations, Human Rights Watch called the Tragedy the massacre in the region. The event in Khojaly is a sobering reminder of the terrible damage that can be inflicted in wartime and the enduring need for the greater understanding, communication and tolerance among the people all over the world. The Azerbaijanis living in Miami, Florida and around the globe, observe February 26th, every year, as a day of remembrance, honoring victims of Khojaly massacre” - says the Proclamation.

The authors of the Proclamation called up the good people of Miami Dade Country to join them in paying special honor and the remembrance to the 31st Annual Commemoration of the Khojaly massacre.

The proclamation was presented to Nabat Eminova, head of Azerbaijani American Youth Assosciation.

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