Azerbaijan community met with the members of Dutch Parliament

9 October, 2024

Azerbaijan community met with the members of Dutch Parliament

As we reported, representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in the Netherlands were outraged by the government's characterization of the liberation of Karabakh as "occupation" and they were demanding a meeting with MPs. The European Azerbaijani Women's Union “Ana Vatan” (“Motherland”) sent a request to the Dutch parliament for holding a meeting and prepared a petition.

The request was answered positively and members of the Dutch Parliament's commission on Affairs with Foreign Countries met with the Azerbaijani community. Members of Parliament from different parties Raymond de Roon (PVV), Isa Kahraman (NSC), Dogukan Ergin (DENK) and commission chairman Jesse Klaver (GroenLinks-PvdA) participated at the meeting.

During the meeting, it was expressed that the Dutch government, parliament and media should take a more objective stance regarding the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan’s victory in the Patriotic War, the destruction of monuments belonging to the Azerbaijani people. It was protested that Armenians are presenting their illegal construction to the world community as the destruction of Armenians culture. The members of parliament were invited to Azerbaijan to familiarize themselves with the realities.

In the petition, it was emphasized that the Azerbaijani community, along with the Azerbaijani people as a whole, wishes to live in peace with Armenians and neighboring states and has no desire for conflict. It was brought to the attention of the members of Parliament that the destruction, vandalism, and falsifications committed by Armenians against Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage during the First Karabagh War were met indifferent by international community. At the same time, it was noted that the fate of up to 4,000 of our compatriots who were captured, missing, and taken hostage in the First Karabakh War has remained unknown and the relevant international organizations have not reacted seriously to it.

On half of the 15000-strong Azerbaijani community living in the Netherlands, members of parliament have been requested to consider all the issues mentioned in the petition during the meetings of the commission and the parliament.

The meeting continued with informal discussions and negotiations. Dogukan Ergin, representative of the DENK Party, stated that they have always been with the people of Azerbaijan and supported the citizens of the Netherlands of Azerbaijani origin.

Information about the registration of that appeal and the meeting was published on the official website of the Parliament:

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