A support campaign for Azerbaijan will be held in Dallas, USA, regarding the threat of landmines
15 September, 2023
In Dallas, USA, a project called "Texans for a mine-free world - Azerbaijan" was launched in relation with the mine problem in Azerbaijan.
The main goal of the project, initiated by the head of the Azerbaijan-American Music Foundation, well-known musician Jamila Javadova-Spitsberg, is to attract the attention of the international community to the problem of landmines in the liberated regions of Azerbaijan and to help the demining process of our lands by purchasing mine-detecting dogs and sending them to our country.
The appeal of the organization which is a member of the American Azerbaijan Coordination Council (AACSC), is joined by other members of the Council and organizations operating in the United States.
In the appeal addressed to all communities in Texas on behalf of the head of the Azerbaijan-American Music Foundation, it was stated that the Republic of Azerbaijan, the historical homeland of Americans of Azerbaijani origin, has gone through difficult trials during the 30-year occupation and is still carrying the heavy burden of that period.
It was noted that one of these difficulties is related to the threat of landmines, which the armed forces of Armenia have massively buried in the territories of Azerbaijan. It was brought to attention that these mines pollute the environment of Azerbaijan and threaten the lives of peaceful Azerbaijanis who want to return to their homeland.
Recalling the Mine Detec.on Dog Partnership Program of the "Marshall Legacy Institute" (MLI) non-profit organization, the head of the Foundation noted that September 29 is the deadline for collecting the funds required to purchase and send these specially trained dogs to Azerbaijan. A cultural event will be held in Dallas in 2023. All funds obtained from the event to which heads of various communities and officials are invited, will be transferred to the account of MLI.
The head of the foundation called on Americans to join this campaign to change the situation for the better.
It should be noted that everyone can participate in this good action and help buy minesweepers. The attached link or QR code can easily be used to support fundraising.
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